Didactic training opportunities
Teaching and the role of teachers are experiencing significant transformations. The requirements are becoming ever more complex due to the rapid pace of technical innovation and the time available for teaching and learning is becoming ever shorter. The desired “Shift from Teaching to Learning” is also in demand. To ensure optimal support for lecturers at Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, a range of internal and external professional development opportunities are available, focusing on the relevant and current aspects of university teaching and learning.
High-quality university teaching that provides research-led training for practical applications, is based on didactic principles and integrates contemporary methods and tools, while taking up relevant social and professional developments, can only succeed with lecturers who are competent in their subject and teaching methods. Our “Systematic Didactic Personnel Development” program aims to achieve the following primary goals:
- QUALITY ORIENTATION – Teaching at the cutting edge
- Continuous UPDATING of the COMPETENCES of the teachers
- MOTIVATE, inspire and qualify teachers for ACTIVE TEACHING
- VISIBILITY of training and development activities
Teachers will receive further details on didactic staff development in June 2024 (internal) or via mail to didaktikzentrum@fh-kaernten.at.
In order to support our teaching staff in developing their teaching skills, the Didactics Center’s further training catalog includes expert input and hands-on workshops on current topics in university didactics as well as the opportunity to refine your own teaching concept. Decide for yourself which didactic development option best supports you. If you have any questions about our services, please write to us at didaktikzentrum@fh-kaernten.
The English@CUAS badge represents a well-defined learning pathway designed to enhance and solidify the English proficiency of Carinthia University of Applied Sciences’ staff, thereby fostering internationalization at the university and beyond. The badge consists of a total of 5 modules, which are completed within 2 years. For further information on the English@CUAS badge, please send an e-mail to english@cuas.at
The Austrian University of Applied Sciences Conference (FHK) offers a coordinated series of workshops on university didactics as well as the opportunity to obtain the “From Teaching to Learning” certificate. Further information on the program can be found on the website of the Austrian University of Applied Sciences Conference.
Internal didactic consulting services

Internal events
The Teaching Day and the associated follow-up are “didactic” fixtures at the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences. Teaching Day, held annually in March at the Villach campus, focuses on contemporary university didactic topics that are addressed, discussed, and developed. The follow-up to the Teaching Day in September will then provide the framework in which further aspects of these topics will be highlighted and good practices made visible. In recent years, the focus has been on the following topics:
- 2025: Effective Today, Sustainable for Tomorrow: Education for Life
- 2024: Linking research and teaching! Potentials, opportunities and … emotions
- 2023: Graduation! Work? Rethinking in the context of digital technologies
- 2022: Wish you were here! Rethinking learning spaces. Focus on campus and internships
- 2021: Creativity in digitally enriched learning spaces – what can we gain? (hybrid)
- 2020: Studying successfully: a question of access! Focus on non-traditional students (online)
- 2019: Everything is possible! Is everything feasible? Focus on studyability
- 2018: Let’s talk! Cooperation in studies and teaching
- 2017: Technology-supported teaching. Opportunities & perspectives
“Coffee Calls” is an online initiative created during the onset of the Corona pandemic to swiftly transition to online teaching and efficiently enhance the skills of our lecturers. Since then – since March 2020 – topics and activities relating to teaching and learning have been highlighted in 20-minute online sessions every Tuesday at 8 a.m. Lecturers from the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences as well as external guest speakers present good practice examples from their everyday teaching and thus provide valuable impulses for the innovation of their own teaching. This popular format makes teaching visible and promotes mutual learning.
The SoTL (Scholarship of Teaching and Learning) Network of the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences is an association of lecturers who are interested in researching their own teaching and / or are already actively doing so. In addition to quarterly hybrid network meetings, a SoTL half-day is held every year, to which speakers and workshop leaders from the DACH region are invited.
External event information
Besides the internal training courses, as a lecturer at the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, you also have the option to participate in external training courses after discussing it with your supervisor. By way of example, the following training providers should be mentioned: