Making teaching visible.
Good practice examples from teachers at the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences
In this section, we want to make teaching visible and showcase the numerous examples of good practice from teachers at the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences. The projects are added to on an ongoing basis.

Further showcase and innovation projects in the field of university teaching can also be found in the
atlas of good teaching
Teaching and learning project support
The teaching and learning project funding, which has been advertised since 2018, is an internal FH Carinthia programme for the innovation, further development and optimization of teaching at the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences. This takes account of the fact that innovative teaching at the cutting edge always requires conditions that promote development and incentives for creative, research- and demand-oriented further development.
Here you will find an overview of the teaching and learning projects funded to date:
Innovation projects:
- FEM apps (Pascal Nicolay)
- Climate-Health-Carinthia (Andrea Stitzel)
- Nature as an experiential space (Katrin Feldermann)
- Z2SM (Eva Mir)
Innovation projects:
- Developing Key Global Competences (Eithne Knappitsch)
- VIDSONS (Martin Schusser)
- Service Learning Manager (Mario Bokalic)
- Health promotion discussion game (Eva Mir)
- Peer tutorial GuK (Valentina Pezer, Ulrike Tscherne)
- Sustainability education for healthcare professions (Melanie Breznik)
Innovation projects:
- HEBEL_edu (Martin Schneider)
- ZALEK (Mario Bokalic)
- Learn-Think-Solve (Dietmar Sternad)
- Podcast (Christine Pichler)
Innovation projects:
- Temporary learning station (Kathrin Radl)
- DIGIBAU: Experience reinforced concrete construction information in a completely new way (Jörg Störzel)
- Laboratory didactics and laboratory infrastructure for part-time students (“flipped laboratory”) (Thomas Klinger)
- Inverted virtual classroom – INVIC (Roland Wilmann)
Optimization projects:
- Simulation in nursing training (Kathrin Radl, Isabella Wilhelmer)
- Learning strategies and learning techniques for first-year students (Andreas Schelling)
Innovation projects:
- Integrated digital transformation case study (Wolfgang Eixelsberger)
- KukiS-Toolbox (Competent and coherent studies) (Eva Mir)
- Development of a project-related sequence of the courses “Historical building structures in the context of non-destructive building analysis”, “Repair methods and renovation” and “Building material systems in architecture” to improve the integration of foreign students as part of Erasmus programs and the Master’s program (Martin Schneider)
Optimization projects:
- Optimization of study entry for students with non-technical secondary education in the Systems Engineering course (Wolfgang Werth)
- Vaw-LABS: Virtual Academic Writing – LABS* for DDP-part-time students (Regina Klein)
- NorMA: Noricum – Making learning visible (Florian Buchner)
The invitations and details of the submission modalities are sent out to all employees by e-mail every year. We are currently working on a relaunch.