3rd round of peer tutoring at the Healthcare and Nursing degree program successfully completed!

In the winter semester 2024/25, the peer tutoring program in the Healthcare & Nursing degree programme was held very successfully for the third time. This programme, which is designed and organized by Ulrike Tscherne and Bettina Bachmann-Schrittesser in cooperation with the Center for Teaching and eLearning, offers first-year students the opportunity to repeat content with tutors from the 3rd and 5th semesters in a supportive and learner-friendly environment and to consolidate content-related topics together. This format has proven to be a good learning support, as it not only deepens subject knowledge, but also strengthens social and communication skills and promotes exchange between students from different semesters.

The positive feedback from the participants, who greatly appreciated the personal and professional support from the tutors, is also particularly noteworthy.

Special thanks go to the 6 tutors who contribute to the success of the program with their commitment and expertise.

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